Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Despite her heavy work load the Tooth Fairy made it on time!

After much wiggling and twisting Little Miss managed to lose another tooth this week, this makes me very nervous & I break into a sweat. My history with the tooth fairy isn't great.
I do try, but as the years have gone on and the kids have got older I've slightly lost the momentum... ok, I never really had momentum!

The tooth fairy is often busy and always worn out so she does forget to visit on the odd occasion; when I say odd occasion I mean most of the time!

She once forgot to come on so many consecutive nights to number 2 son that she sent a letter to apologise. Not an ordinary letter, it arrived in number 2 son's Christmas stocking delivered by Father Christmas himself on Christmas Eve no less! She did explain that she hadn't forgotten but had been called in at short notice to help the elves in their toy making factory due to the back log that year. She'd been so busy and productive that Father Christmas had agreed to deliver her letter and £1 with all the other presents - he's a kind old soul!

But this week she surpassed herself, she staggered into Little Miss's room very late at night and half asleep with £1 coin at the ready. She scrabbled around under the pillow and pulled out the tooth plus not 1 but 2 letters addressed to the Tooth Fairy. The lengthy notes not only asked for a written reply but also a "real" photograph of the Fairy herself.

So she fired up the old computer and set to work........

                                                                           ...............than Heaven for Google! 


  1. £1?! Wow, it used to be 10p in my day.

    1. I used to get a threepenny bit - now I'm showing my age!

  2. hahhaa!! Just awesome!! Very sweet story!

    Thank you for visiting my blog! I am now following you!

    1. Oh, and my husband is crazy about cricket too!! Unfortunately, we stay in the US!

    2. I'd love to be in the US, if only to escape the cricket!

    3. Hi,I linked to this post in my recent blogpost!

      Wanted to also ask...are you also a Gerald Durrell fan?!

    4. Just saw your comment on my blog! How cool is that!!? I used to be a member of the Dodo club! I've read all his books many times. I just loved him and what he did! Do send me an email if you want to talk more on the subject!

  3. Father Christmas is a very obliging kind old chap isn't he, I guess they must have meeting about this sort of thing.
    A work colleague's daughter had some questions for the tooth fairy once so I took on the persona of 'Willow', we had great fun concoting stories about he adventures!
    Lisa x

  4. That's so sweet that she wanted a photo and I bet she was delighted that she obliged!

    1. Yes she was delighted, but she's written to the fairy a couple more times now wanting more info!

  5. Oh that's a pretty pretty fairy, ours has stubble and wears shorts!

    1. It's not exactly what ours look like in the flesh, only similar! ;)

  6. we have a note that we keep and get out of the drawer when we need it and that we used many times over 10 years that says TOOTH FAIRY. helps a lot.

  7. Hi Jay,
    I love your tooth fairy picture. I hope Little Miss was impressed. I am afraid our house had a failing tooth fairy too who was very clumsy. She would frequently forget and my children would the find the money on the floor instead of under their pillow, after they had complained that she hadn't been.
    Sarah x

    1. Oh yes! Sometimes it's under the pillow after they get up & go to the bathroom, they just hadn't looked hard enough the first time!

  8. Thanks for entering the Baobab Vitamin Giveaway on my blog - as you are the only one to enter so far, you stand as a very strong contender!! Best wishes... to the fairy.

  9. That is so cute. The fairy is beautiful. My little man is looking forward to the fairy visiting. Hopefully she's not sick often :P

  10. Love this! I hope she doesn't read your blog :)

    1. No one knows I write a blog, it's a secret!

  11. Hello, and thank you for visiting my blog. I am delighted you did! This posting makes me laugh. I do understand. The tooth fairy is notoriously unreliable at this house, and to complicate matters one of the children in the neighborhood received $20(!) last year. Suddenly my children want to know why the tooth fairy favors that kid. M is currently loosing teeth and on her last she left a wonderful note "Dear Tooth Fairy, instead of money could I please have curly hair like Hermione?" Oh dear!

    1. Oooh thats a tough one, what did she do?

  12. I remember my son (now 12) not being very keen on the idea of a fairy coming into his room in the night when his first tooth came out, so we told him it wasn't real to put his mind at rest! Although he was fine about Father Christmas, weirdly!

  13. Brilliant!Great post. I've been there with the whole tooth fairy thing. She didn't turn up one night either, I can't remember why, but I know she wasn't busy with the elves at Christmas because it was mid summer.
    But one morning the Princess woke up to find a teeny tiny letter from the tooth fairy (who is called Sparkle) and a miniscule pair of fairy wings (from a Daddy Long Legs.....boy that was hard) and fairy glitter dust.
    Isn't it great!!
    Are you joking about no one knowing you write a blog? I am quite envious of that actually. Loads of people know I write one and I often think I should start a new one and be all anon BUT I've been doing it for well over a year now and would be starting all over again.
    Happy Sunday dearest!
    Gem x x xx

    1. Wow that's really impressive, the wings and glitter - I'll store that away for next time - I'm sure there will be a next time!
      No not joking - no one knows, my family are very active and think anything done whilst sitting down (reading/writing/internet browsing) is wasting your precious time. Friends would approve but it's fun not telling, I just wonder if anyone I know will spot the blog and recognise me!

    2. forgot - have a lovely rest of the weekend too! xx

  14. How sweet.....what would we do without tooth fairies on the internet? I remember our own tooth fairy troubles and blogged about it here. Please hop on over if you have a moment.

    1. Just read it - you're tooth fairy obviously isn't as "last-minute" as ours! lol

  15. By the way, 'My Family and Other Animals' by Gerald Durrell used to be one of my favorite books when I was growing up. I can't find a copy in the libraries in the US though :(

    1. I loved it when we read it at school, I've re-read it since & it's still a favoutite, I'd love to visit Jersey Zoo one day. You could try ebay for the book maybe?
