Friday, 26 April 2013

Someone buy that boy a brain, please!

Number 1 son went on a trip to Brussels this week, as part of his A level Politics course.
The trip was scheduled to leave his school in Norwich (half an hour from home) at 3am on Thursday, not a time I'm usually driving about the city - not these days anyway! I agreed to take him and a friend's daughter and she was to pick them up on their return, around 8pm Friday (today)

I decided to stay awake just in case, I have history about holidays and trips as you may already know, see here , here-and here! If something can go wrong it generally goes wrong to us! I checked and triple checked his passport/wallet/Euros/phone etc. I had asked him the day before if he had credit on his mobile - he's responsible for that himself. If you want a phone you pay for it yourself in this house. He informed me on the Wednesday that he did have credit - 5p!! On this occasion I bought him a small top up voucher and ensured he had my friends daughter's number on his phone in case of emergencies.

He has a memory the size of a pea (exactly the same as me at that age but don't tell him that!) So when I woke him at 2am we checked everything again - in his grumpy 17 year old way he assured me he had everything covered. Drop off went smoothly and I got to bed at 4am, the builder did the school run for the other 2. I slept until 9am and then dashed out for an eyebrow tint (I'm now looking ever so slightly like a clown - don't ask!)
After that I checked my 'phone - 3 messages from number 1 son - oh dear! The first one sent at 6am read "have I left my wallet at home.?.." At that point he was barely out of Norfolk! The second sent at 6.10am read " Oh b***** I have haven't I, I've lost it! I have no money, sorry" and finally the third message sent at 9.15am (after he'd worried and stewed for 3 hours)
read "don't worry I've found it in my bag"
I heard nothing more despite my texts to him, clearly he's lost his 'phone I thought! Until Friday evening, when he was on the way home, it reads "had a brilliant time, I bought you some special Belgian chocolate, but have left it in a bag at the train station......Sorry"

I did at that point tell him to check he'd got his passport/wallet/phone etc., but I also told him about the time I left a bag hanging on a luggage trolley at Gatwick airport (probably causing a bomb scare in my wake) which contained his very bestest dinosaur, never to be seen again!!
Oh please can someone buy that boy a brain.......??


  1. KP is exactly the same - her brain is exactly like a Teltley's tea bag - full of holes! Ask her anything about Olly Murs and she knows the answer - homework and she hasn't a clue!

  2. Oh...thought that counts? (you can almost taste those choccies...) he sounds so sweet. I am constantly on "crisis!!!" and then "crisis you were" mode with my kids as they refuse to keep all their wordly goods close by.

  3. It is our lot in life to have to be the 'details' people....generally kids and husbands are 'big picture' folk. Hope you got some chocolates later.

  4. Haha, this post makes a lot of sense to me ... I have 3 sons! Memories of them going to scout camp for 1 week and coming back with a sodden bag full of unpacked socks, undies, toothpaste and soap, covered in mildewed towels! Never mind about the chocolate, at least he thought of you! Love Claire xx

  5. Ah this is lovely and all mums of teenage boys are nodding along with you. My 17 year old went on a Geography field trip to Dorset last weekend and needed constant reminding about packing etc. However, when he was away he surprised me by being fairly organised. The boy who can't get out of bed on a normal day, set his alarm for 6.30am so he could get to the shower first! Unheard of...!

  6. I hear you! Daughter is organised, son lives on another planet and it drives me MAD!!!

  7. Bet you were glad you got all three texts at once, saved you worrying about him being without any funds!

  8. Boys. Kind of makes you want to attach those important things to their body with super glue, doesn't it?

  9. Bahahahaha! I love it. Teenage boys are the same the world over it would seem x

  10. That's brilliant... I've been there and am still losing things on nights out - it was a scarf last week!

    Victoria x

  11. Oh dear - that is all oh so familiar (and v funny!)

  12. I can relate to this well very, T is dreadful. Is it boys or just teenagers in general?!
    Lisa x

  13. My son is just like this too and I am afraid to tell you it doesn't improve with age until they find a girl friend who sorts them out! My daughter is the complete opposite so well organised.
    Sarah x

  14. Sounds familiar. Girls can be just as bad! xx

  15. My daughter is like that - I shall make a list for her impending summer in the States ! Son more organised though I always do a check list with him too !
    Husband as a teenager left from home in Scotland to join a boat as crew abroad and... left all his sailing gear behind !!! His parents had to post it out to him !

    Thank you for your comment,
    Yes the bride wore the gorgeous red shoes ... she put red Converse pumps on for dancing !

    I like your profile description - with me it's husband's sailing which dominates !

  16. hahaha, can relate to this for sure! x

  17. Not just a boy thing my three girls are the same x

    1. Hi Jay thank you for your lovely comment - I was just pressing the button to publish and somehow I deleted it so sorry- so nice of you to visit I didn't want you to think I wasn't publishing your comment. This has become a bit of a ramble I hope you understand my techy mistake x

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